splash board

英 美
  • 挡板,挡泥板
  • splake n.[鱼]加拿大鳟
  • splanch n.[建](兼有错层式与平房式建筑特点的)斯普兰奇式房屋
  • splanchnic adj.内脏的
  • splash n.溅泼(声);溅泼的量;溅污的斑点;骚动;少许v.溅(湿);报道
  • splash board 挡板,挡泥板
名词 splashboard:
  1. protective covering consisting of a broad plank along a gunwale to keep water from splashing over the side

  2. protective covering consisting of a panel to protect people from the splashing water or mud etc.

    1. The tank overflowed a little and Thomas hung up the hose and put on the cap and wiped away the splash of gasoline on the rear fender.

splash board的相关资料: